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Players Code of Conduct

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Player Rules and Regulations.
1    Never give up in the field even if they are better, bigger or stronger   
2    Play according to the laws of the Game and the rules and abide by them.
3     Be on time and be prepared for games and training sessions.
4    Display self-control in all situations. Never use foul or abusive language –before, during or after a game or training session.
5    Train and play to the best of your ability, have a positive attitude, encourage others to do the same.
6    Respect the game officials at all times. Refrain from questioning their decisions or challenging their authority; they make mistakes, just like you and I.
7    Show up for training and games in appropriate and clean clothing.
8    NO Weapons allowed during practice, games; wear the right footwear on the grounds.
9    Each player, especially through personal example, be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat.
10    Maintain control of emotions, avoiding the use of abusive or profane language, taunting or humiliating remarks, and/or gestures and physical assault upon another player at any time.
11    Respect the coaches and players of the opposing team and display sportsmanship at the conclusion of a game and be humble and generous in victory, and proud and courteous in defeat.
12    Follow all Association rules, always respecting the property of others. Remember that soccer is a game and treat players and coaches on other teams as opponents, not enemies.




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